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leg show 大腿戲。


Tan markings may appear at any or all of the following areas : above eyes as spots , around eyes ( including spectacle markings ) , on each side of the muzzle , on throat , on lower part of front forelegs and extending up the inside of the forelegs , on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to the front of the rear legs from hock to toes , on breeches , and underside of tail 栗色標記可以出現在以下任何部位:眼睛之上如同斑點,環繞眼睛(包括眼鏡狀) ,在口吻邊上,在咽喉部,自前腿部低部由內側向上至前腿上部,在后腿內側向下至膝關節前部再進一步拓寬至跗節關節和趾部,在足部,在尾部內下側。

Fig . 1 - 17 cross sections of leg showing line of approach for removal of whole fibular transplants or tibial grafts 圖1 - 17顯示取整體腓骨植骨塊或脛骨植骨塊時手術切口入路的小腿橫斷面。

With less than 4 legs showing , you are insecure or are living through a period of major change 畫中若少于四只腳,表示你缺乏安全感或者你正經歷重大的改變中。

With 4 legs showing , they are secure , stubborn , and stick to their ideals 4條腿都能看到,您有安全感,倔強,會堅持自己的理想。

And thin long legs shown under a short skirt is 短裙下面露出的長腿

And thin long legs shown under a short skirt is . . 短裙下面露出的長腿. .

His leg showed no symptom of having been injured 他的腿不像受過傷似的。